Making paper airplanes doesn’t feel like science. And it’s not quite an art. Near as I can figure, launching a regular old piece of paper into the sky so that it soars is pure magic. Put your best paper airplane to the test with the paper plane playoff activity. Most of us love building paper airplanes. Most of us have our own favorite designs. Why not go head-to-head and test it out?
What You’ll Need:
• Paper.
• Paper clips.
• Long play area (park or playground).
Step 1: Build your best paper plane.
Step 2: Stand side-to-side with your child. Let the planes FLY!
Step 3: Make the exact same alteration to each plane such as adding a paper clip to the nose of the plane, tear a tiny notch in the tail, or even add a small leaf to each wing.
Step 4: Fly the planes again. Repeat the process until one plane is disabled. The plane that endures the most changes, wins.
More on the web for learning basic paper airplane design:
• YouTube video with step by step modeling to make a basic paper airplane.
• 10 paper airplane designs to try at home.